Every Monday at 1:30 pm, we hold a Celebration Assembly in the Whare to celebrate student achievements for the week!

The following awards are handed out:

*Principal's Award

*Caught Being Good Award

*Student of the Week 

*MANA Potential 

Congratulations to this week's award winners!!!!

Principal's ward 

Tenoa Tibemita

Principal's Award 

Santana Joseph-Bullock

Principal's Award 

Waina Tareha

Caught Being Good

Raymond Te maari 

Caught Being Good

Tiare Thompson

Student of the week

Spencer Boreham

Student of the week

Phoenix Randall 

Student of the week

Hunter Jarvis 

Te Ao Māori

Ava Hill

Te Ao Māori

Tenoa Tibemita & Hunter Jarvis

Mana Postcard

Tepaea King

Mana Postcard

Cooper Brooking, Papa Kemp & Kara Rapatini

Mana Potential

Ava Hill & Kataraina Thompson

Mana Potential

Santana Joseph-Bullock & Chanelle Kingi

Mana Potential

Kataleiaha Allen, Cooper Brooking & Phoenix Randall 

Mana Potential

Keiris Rata-Hurst, Nashan Jopson & Te Mana Collins

Student Awards