Pinelands Junior Folk Dancing

Pink Shirt Day 


Mangakino School- Halloween 

Ruma Kowhai- Maunga Ruapehu

Matua Robert- Farewell 

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We farewell Matua Robert tomorrow as he begins the next chapter in his educational journey. Matua Robert has contributed to the lives and learning outcomes of the students at Mangakino School over the past four years.

We would like to sincerely thank him for his contribution, love, commitment, and service over this time. Matua Robert will remain in our community and may pop in and out of our space from time to time.

Lake Maraetai Waka Experience 

Education Outside The Classroom had us participating in a Waka Experience that focussed on Tikanga and the history of Waka and learning to work together.

Warner Rahurahu gave an in-depth and informative overview that included not only the skills needed but also the heart of how it feels to engage in one's own cultural heritage and how our waka carries us forward.

 The morning was clear and the water still as the fog slowly lifted and a small crowd gathered on the lakefront. There were a few tears and a fair amount of apprehension as we floated away from the security of the small jetty. Within moments Matua Warner had us focused and moving through the water as one and tears were replaced with smiles and the sound of hoe piercing and then lifting in unity...   What a day to remember.

We would like to thank Warner and Stacey from Waka Experience Aotearoa and would highly recommend the opportunity to other Kura wanting to share in this learning.

Mangakino Community Matariki Celebration

We ended Term 2 with a Matariki Celebration at Pouakani Marae. Our kids loved it! Our whānau helpers were epic! Staff....there are not enough words to describe the amount of love they continuously give, what a team!

It takes a village to raise a child.

Here are a few pictures .

Pink Shirt Day 

Pink Shirt Day is all about building awareness among young minds as to what bullying looks like, feels like, and how it affects our ahua (being). Today's activities were to dress up in pink or bright colours, make cupcakes, and also a banana cake while having a korero about being kind, and always speaking up about how we feel and what's going on for us. 

We are saying a loud 'NO' to bullying. Ka rawe tamariki ma 

Teachers Appreciation Week

On the 4th May, we celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week. The best job in the world.....although for us, teaching is far more than just a job! Being a teacher is a lifetime commitment and dedication to service. How blessed are we to be in the presence of, and have our lives touched by our most special taonga? Our children, our blessings! Mrs. Knight and Matua Robert THANK YOU!